How to Make the Most Out of Affiliate Marketing

By Mia Ron
How to Make the Most Out of Affiliate Marketing

Businesses can’t do without digital marketing in this era of tough competition. However, digital marketing is not just a set of few practices. Following the demand over the years, digital marketing has expanded its scope to a wide range of activities that businesses can choose from, depending on their needs. Affiliate marketing is one such digital marketing domain that businesses are increasingly adopting. 

What exactly is affiliate marketing for businesses? In simplest terms, affiliate marketing involves third-party in promoting their brand, products, or services. The third party can be an individual or platform, such as a blog, website, or social media account. Third parties are called affiliates as they refer products or services on different channels, including social media. Affiliates charge a commission or incentive to promote your product or service or send your brand advertisement across. 

Businesses generate organic traffic, leads, online engagement, sign-ups, content shares, and even sales through affiliates. Are you still confused about how affiliates can benefit your business? The infographic here describes how affiliate marketing works.   

How Affiliate Marketing Works

The process of affiliate marketing is clear from the above. But what are affiliates paid for besides bringing the lead to the business website? Well, it's simple; that depends on your affiliate plan. You can pay the affiliate for bringing traffic and further when a user coming through the affiliate makes a purchase. Businesses generally choose the latter and pay affiliates a commission when the user converts into a customer. 

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing indirectly endorses your product or service through other people your users can trust or identify with. For example, if you are watching a recipe video of your favorite chef, and he uses cookware that makes the process easy or interesting, you are naturally prompted to buy it. If the chef asks you to click on the link below his video and buy the same cookware for yourself, you are most likely to click on the link as you are already interested in the product. Also, the product is being promoted by someone you trust, and it doesn’t look like an advertisement from the cookware business.   

How to Select an Affiliate

Affiliate marketing gives the best returns when you have selected the affiliate after thorough consideration of your needs and requirements. You must consider the following when selecting an affiliate. 

Use Online Niche Research Tools

There are ready tools for researching affiliate niches. Use such tools so that you don’t err on the basics. Google Trends is one such popular tool that you must try. 

Niche research also involves keyword research so that you can make the most out of your campaign with the right keywords. Expert SEO professionals can help you at this step. 

However, if you do not have the time and resources to do niche research, a professional affiliate marketing agency can do it for you.  

Choose the Right Platform

Choosing the right platform for hosting your content or links is a crucial task. Numerous platforms are available such as YouTube, third-party websites, Instagram, etc. Different platforms have their specific content type, such as YouTube for videos. However, blogs can host videos, images, infographics, and text. Instagram can be used for images. 

The type of content that best suits your products and services should be selected. For example, for home furnishing businesses, video platforms or images platform can be better than text. However, popular recipe blogs or vlogs on third-party websites can be good hosts for cooking-related products.   

The choice of content types also depends on your budget if your products and services can be advertised through all content types. Videos are time-consuming and costly to develop. So, make sure you budget and choose the most relevant platforms without wasting time and money on all platforms. 

Identify the Affiliate

Identifying the best affiliate for marketing your products and services is more challenging than it sounds. It requires comprehensive searching, shortlisting, and researching to make a list of eligible affiliates. And then, the final selection is even more difficult. This is because, despite selecting a host with an excellent online presence, it cannot be assured that the affiliate will do your work effectively. 

Businesses should ideally go for proper affiliate marketing through the top digital marketing agencies. This saves a lot of effort, time, and money in the long run as they use their experience and expertise to manage the process end to end. They also ensure results.

Best Practices of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing as a routine without knowing how to do it right will only waste your time and money. The experience of years gives businesses knowledge of the best practices in affiliate marketing. Here are some you must go with. 

Select the Right Affiliates

You shouldn’t promote cookware on sanitaryware blogs! The affiliates that you choose must be from your niche. Remember, the affiliate should be a trusted name in your niche so that the audience relies on their suggestion. 

Let us understand this through examples. Home chefs or famous cooking blogs are the right affiliates for cookware businesses. Blogs of do-it-yourself crafts are the best hosts for art and craft supplies. 

Similarly, identify the right affiliates for your products and services.

Optimize Platforms

There are various platforms that you can choose from for affiliate marketing. But do you need to use all? Using all the available platforms for affiliate marketing is difficult and costly. At times, it does not fit into your digital marketing budget. And spending without any returns affects your campaign’s RoI. So, you must choose the platforms that host your target audience. Moreover, for many businesses, one or two platforms are fine enough for effective affiliate marketing.

Identifying the best platform for affiliate marketing is time-consuming, but it can be very fruitful at later stages. Big Data analytics can give valuable insights about each platform, audience, and engagement. Based on this information, you can select a mix of platforms and optimize the time, resources, and budget to spend on each of these. 

Try Influencers

Affiliates can be common people; they don't need to be famous or celebrities. However, if you have already started using affiliate marketing, the next step is to try an influencer as your affiliate. 

Influencers can be very impactic, especially with a reputation in your domain. Instead of just affiliate links, let them produce some original content such as one-liners, blogs, or videos to promote your product or service and add affiliate links for users to click through. 

However, influencers are a costly option if you are targeting extremely popular influencers with thousands of followers. Moreover, you have so many digital marketing activities to spend on, and you cannot just dedicate your budget to an influencer and leave the rest. 

So, if you have a hefty budget, it's good to target so many users in one go with just one significant affiliate who is also an influencer. Else, influencer marketing can be used just once in a while. For example, you can involve an influencer affiliate when you are planning a new launch or triggering a season sale. 

Decorate it With Offers

You can offer affiliate coupon schemes applicable to users buying through them. This makes it lucrative for the customer and the affiliate marketer, as people are keen to buy discounted products and deal items. Affiliates prefer brands that offer such schemes! Undoubtedly, offers make your affiliate marketing effective and ensure RoI.

Build an Affiliate Program

Affiliate marketing should be done with proper goals, plans, and strategies in place. After you have developed an affiliate program, you can manage most of your affiliate campaign through specialized affiliate marketing software.

In summary, don’t take affiliate marketing lightly. Follow it diligently, and you will get the results. 

Challenges in Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is not easy for beginners. However, if you are prepared for the common challenges, you can plan in advance on how to cross the hurdles and overcome them. Most of the times, experience with affiliate marketing is enough to manage the common issues. However, here are some challenges that you must keep in mind before starting affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing Challenges


So here’s all you need to know before your start your affiliate marketing campaign. We understand that your time is as valuable as money, and you would not want to waste it on trial and error, especially as you can’t take risks on returns. So, hiring the best digital marketers who care for your affiliate marketing needs is wise. You can find the best service providers in digital marketing on Goodtal

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